Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"The Hunger Games" Book Review 4/8/13

Title: The Hunger Games
Author: Suzanne Collins
Genre: Dystopian/Action/Adventure 
Date Published: 2008

Hi everybody! SO. I LOVED THIS BOOK!!!

Woo! Yeah! Fire!! 
So the book... 'twas a thrilling read! First off, I LOVE Katniss and she is THE second best female character I have ever read about (first being Hermione Granger) and I can only wish that I could be as brave/strong/epic as that girl. 

...and who could blame her?!

Before I delve into yet another enlightening book review, I'll give you a brief history on Sam (me) vs. The Hunger Games. Okay, so for some far-fetched reason I used to be against this series... and I hadn't even tried reading the books. When I first saw the movie adaptation (which is now one of my favorite films) I sat there in the cinema rolling my eyes and squirming. WHAT WAS I THINKING. What was in my supper that day?! UGH. See, I didn't even bother giving the movie a chance. I went to the movie theater sure I was going to hate it, and yeah I kind of did at the time. I still don't quite know how I justified my opposition to The Hunger Games right off the bat... I think it was because people compare the trilogy to the Harry  Potter series... DO. NOT. EVER. EVEN. THINK. ABOUT. IT. Seriously. HP & THG shalt never be compared, let alone share a sentence together (whoops, just contradicted myself there)! It's like... oil and water. It's just a known fact that you don't mix them up... or you shall face the fiery wrath of raging Potterheads and Mockingjays for all of eternity... mwahaha. Well not exactly. But I think I've made my point clear.  So about a year goes by after my viewing of The Hunger Games movie, and I begin writing this story that may be sorta similar to The Hunger Games (totally unintentional I assure you) and decided 'Oh what the heck! I'll try reading the first book to help me out with my writing of the story. Plus, I need to see for myself what all the hype is really about.' I cracked open Le Hunger Games and a week or so later, my mission was complete.

Heck, I was wrong!!!! 
Hunger Games is... how do I put this...

Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen lives in Panem--the dystopian ruins of North America--in a little area known as the Seam.  Panem is comprised of 12 Districts that are ruled by the harsh and just-plain-evil Capitol. She has become the primary breadwinner for her family since the tragic death of her father in a coal mining accident. Katniss uses the hunting skills her father taught her when she was younger to catch forbidden game beyond the barbed-wire fence that surrounds District 12. Katniss has a hunting buddy named Gale Hawthorne whose father died in the same accident that killed Mr. Everdeen. Just for the record, I can gladly say I am "Team Gale"... I am aware that hardcore Hunger Games fans (which obviously I am not because I have not yet finished reading the series... I'm 1/3rd of the way there!) detest the whole Team Gale vs. Team Peeta thing but I'm just being honest. 

In Panem there is an annual "Hunger Games" in which two tributes from each of the 12 districts (one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18) are chosen at random to fight to the death in a gargantuan arena while being televised live.The Capitol created these Games as result of the Rebellion during which  13 districts revolted against the Peacemakers. District 13 was bombed and destroyed, and the Hunger Games were put into effect. Forcing parents to watch their children kill each other proves that they are weak in the Capitol's eyes and warns them that they must never rebel again. 

Here is a little Q&A that I borrowed from a fellow GoodReads member so I make sure to touch upon key points in my review and don't start going off on an obsessive tangent like I usually do... so here ya go:
Will I be giving this a star rating? 5/5 YO.
Is it well written? Hm... I've got to be totally and completely honest and confess that the writing style really didn't blow me away. It wasn't bad but compared to other author's works I've read, the writing wasn't overly impressive. Don't get me wrong here, the story is EXCELLENT. It's so good that it doesn't even matter that the writing isn't fantastic. 
Was the plot interesting? Immensely! It's different, it's creative, it's fast-paced and action-packed. My favorite scene was the Cornucopia bloodbath for sure. 
Did I like the heroine? Can I be her? Like seriously. Just for a day. Please?
Was I absolutely horrified by the cannibalism, brutality, and mass slaughter of it all? Yes.  The violence does add to the excitement though, I'll be honest. But it was rather disturbing reading about mere children committing senseless acts of murder as adults cheer them on like they're dogs. 
Was I, weirdly enough, bursting with pride over the double suicide attempt? For sure!! I mean, in Romeo and Juliet, I thought the double suicide thing was ridiculous because the two boneheads killed themselves for no good reason. Katniss and Peeta on the other hand, were rebellious and awesome in their double suicide attempt!  That scene alone proved just how tough Katniss is, and how selfless she is as well. 
Will I continue reading this series? Ew ew ew ew. Nope, nope definitely not... APRIL FOOLS. Ha. I had you going there didn't I? Of course I will!!
Is my faith in humanity gone forever? My faith in humanity disappeared into Oblivion after I endured the agonizing, excruciatingly painful task of reading the play Romeo and Juliet in the 9th grade (I apologize to any hardcore Shakespeare fans because I poke fun at Romeo and Juliet A LOT. Because it's fun hehe :D). Ha. But in all seriousness, all jokes aside, my faith in humanity, as long as human beings have free-will (which as far as I know will be forever), will continue to diminish. However, there are people like Katniss whom I would trust with the welfare of the entire human race. Unfortunately, people like that are very rare to come by. I believe The Hunger Games is not only a series for teens to be entertained by... I think it also serves as a warning to us all. If we continue on this path of crime and violence everywhere we turn, our future could very well end up similar to the terrifying conditions of Panem. 
Who are your favorite characters in the book? Katniss, Gale, and (don't hurt me) Clove.

She's definitely the coolest Career, you gotta admit!

To sum it all up, I LOVE THE HUNGER GAMES and I'm BEYOND THRILLED that I found a new series I enjoy this much!

I cannot WAIT for the Catching Fire movie to come out because I'm going to the midnight premiere and dressing up as Katniss :D

If you haven't seen it yet, check out the teaser CF trailer!
(Movie Release Date--November 22, 2013)

I was disappointed that they didn't show the arena in the clip, but there will be plenty more trailers to come!

Here are some pics I found online of the filming of Catching Fire:

...and this is the arena from an aerial view:

I already know the next movie is going to be epic!! Only 211 days to go!

Now is the moment you have all been waiting for... 'tis time to end this conflict!

Thank you for reading yet another one of my enlightening reviews!
Hope I persuaded you to read The Hunger Games!

Stay in school, respect the nature, be a Potterhead, and above all... be your magickal self!
~The Black Rose Librarian~
aka Sam ^_^

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