Saturday, June 28, 2014

"The Fault in Our Stars" Book Review 6/28/2014

Title: The Fault in Our Stars
Author: John Green
Genre: Realistic Fiction/Romance
Rating: N/A

So, The Fault in Our Stars. It's been a rapidly increasing phenomenon... I'd even compare it to Hunger Games hype. My thoughts are the matter are precisely this: book=disappointment, movie adaptation=amazing. Allow me to elaborate: I saw the movie before finishing the book, and thank God I did... because if I had finished the book prior to seeing it, I probably wouldn't have even bothered going to see it. That's how lousy I found the novel to be. I'll start with the characters as portrayed by John Green: they're sardonic, dry, and unlikable. Hazel is just... boring. She's like a reincarnated Bella Swan.

Seriously. I think my biggest pet peeve with Hazel is that almost everything she says ends with a question mark. Like EVERYTHING. I lost count of the amount of times she'd say, "okay?" "um, sure?" "I guess?". Like, is this girl really that lost? She seemed to be. Then there's Augustus Waters. He really is the epitome of jerk. What can be considered 'charming' about this boy aside from his apparently superhuman good lucks?! I found him to be arrogant, and annoying. He never spoke like a normal teenage boy; it was always some supposedly philosophical rant that I really couldn't make any sense out of. He seemed like one of the horrible jock dudes from my school. The ones that never shut up and act like they're the hottest things to ever walk the Earth. I mean Augustus isn't even humble. And to me, that's unattractive. The romantic spark between Hazel and Gus was, to me, practically nonexistent. It was so dull.

 *Insert TFiOS book here^^*

So overall, I just didn't care. I didn't care about the characters, nor about what happened to them. It sounds cruel, but it's true. I felt so disconnected from the story. Now for some praise: THE MOVIE!!!

...basically. So the movie was PERFECTION. I actually loved the characters and cared about them! Shailene Woodley was the perfect Hazel...

So beautiful!!<3

...and Ansel Elgort could not have been more perfect as Augustus!!!

OMG. I think I just died right there... that smile<3

 Gosh, I'm using the word 'perfect' a lot... but there really isn't a better word to describe this movie.

And now for some fangirling...


*Sobbing uncontrollably*

So yeah, it's like... soooo goooooood... So my consensus is this:  book=disappointment, movie adaptation=amazing. That's all there is to it!

Thanks for reading, and check back soon for more book reviews!! 
Stay magical!
~Sam ^_^

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